According to the HvA Strategic Plan (Instellingsplan 2021-2026), the HvA aimed to flesh out the pathways described in the document into concrete implementation plans in 2021.
"For a variety of these pathways, many inspiring initiatives are already in progress that will blaze our trail into the future". Instellingsplan 2021-2026
As a follow-up to this statement, the HvA2030 project team decided to conduct additional research through a literature review and interviews with various HvA stakeholders and employees to learn more about the HvA and its future plans, as well as to understand the various initiatives within the HvA that have been made and implemented so far, and then to determine the pathways to which initiatives are yet to progress.
The initiatives were divided into six categories based on the vision and ambitions mentioned in HvA’s strategic plan – Student Initiatives, Initiatives taken for the Knowledge Institution, Initiatives for the City of Amsterdam, Initiatives to achieve Duurzaamheid (Sustainability), Diversiteit & Inclusie (Diversity and Inclusion), and Digitalisering (Digitalization).
Once these initiatives were divided, they were added to the HvA Ecosystem Map.
To learn more about HvA and its future plans, we believe that more information about various initiatives within HvA and Knowledge Institutions in Amsterdam should be gathered, so we invite you to contribute to the document and help shape the future of learning.
The initiatives Document is an open document for everyone, with the option of adding new initiatives as they come to anyone's attention.
Some of these initiatives' ideas could be used in the project's subsequent phases to envision the future of HvA in 2030.